Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan (English for Midwifery)

English For Midwifery (Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan) is written for the reference book of English course for diploma students of D-III Kebidanan and D-IV Kebidanan (Midwifery). In each session, simple explanations about English in daily communication in medical terms are simply explained and described in order to gain a goal of communicative ability for understanding daily English activity in medical working places, especially for midwives. For this reason, the competency of each session is tested after passing each level of ability in English either for midwifery students or anyone to explore their competencies in English communication for midwives.

The scopes of this reference book are divided into several language skills and components that include 1) Language Skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing), and 2) Language Components (Grammar, Spelling, Vocabulary, Pronunciation). After completing this book, students are required to use suitable expressions related to the context and time. Wish that this reference book is beneficial and applicable for midwifery students in understanding and communicating English better.

Penulis             Dr. Sri Yuliani,S,Pd., M.Pd., Dr.Dicki Hartanto, S.Pi., MM.

Editor               : Idham Syahputra, M.Ed

ISBN               : 978-623-5483-34-4

Tebal Buku      : iv, 165 hal (145x205 mm)

Harga               : Rp. 55.500.-


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